Psoriasis Treatment | Eczema | Skin Cancer Treatment
- Inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, skin or nail fungal infections, rashes related to medications, and rashes related to systemic diseases. Dermatology is a broad field and we often perform skin scrapings or skin biopsies to aid in the diagnosis of conditions.
- Neoplastic skin lesions (growths) which include benign and malignant, or cancerous, lesions. Benign lesions include growths such as warts, skin tags, seborrheic keratoses (what we often refer to as “growths related to aging” or “barnacles”), and angiomas. Malignant lesions include growths such as basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, and malignant melanoma.
The providers at Davie Dermatology & The Med Spa are trained to understand, diagnose, and treat conditions of all skin types and color. Your family history (DNA) determines the characteristics of your skin and environmental factors (sun exposure, smoking) contribute to many skin conditions including photo aging. We understand these nuances and take them into consideration when determining your skin care plan.
Acne Treatment
Do you know what is the most common skin condition in the United States? That’s right, acne. Because it’s so common, it’s easy to find inaccurate information on acne treatment on the web. We only offer acne treatment that is backed by research and proven to be effective. A common acne myth is that you should leave it alone and let it run its course. This is a myth! Untreated acne can cause dark spots and permanent scars. There are effective methods of treating acne that can improve your self-esteem as well as your skin!
More info here provided by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Rosacea Treatment
Another common skin condition, rosacea is skin redness of varying degrees. An early sign of rosacea is the tendency to flush or blush easily, more so than other people. From there the redness can spread beyond the nose and cheeks to the forehead, chin, ears, chest, and back. Beyond the redness, rosacea can also cause visible blood vessels, swelling, acne-like breakouts, bumpy skin texture, and irritate eyes and eyelids. Rosacea treatment can include medicine, emollients, laser or light treatments, and antibiotics.
More info here provided by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema Treatment
Eczema is a skin condition that is common in children but can affect adults as well. Symptoms include dry, scaly patches on the skin, itchiness, rashes, skin thickening, and more. The symptoms of eczema vary from children to adults, and many children who have eczema as a child only experience mild symptoms as adults, if any. Eczema treatments cannot cure the skin condition, but make it more manageable. Treatments include medications, prescription skin care products, and lifestyle changes to prevent flare-ups or the condition from getting worse.
More info here provided by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that cannot be cured, but can be controlled with proper treatment. There are a few different types of psoriasis that are characterized by different symptoms. In general, psoriasis causes reddish or silver coated, raised patches on the skin, red spots on the skin, pus-filled bumps, scaly patches of skin, and more. Psoriasis treatment can reduce the symptoms of the skin condition, topical Rx’s, systemic Rx’s, emollients, biologics, and light therapy.
More info here provided by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Light Therapy Treatment
Light Therapy is an outpatient treatment procedure we offer which can improve skin appearance, reduce symptoms and treat various chronic skin conditions. During a light therapy treatment, we expose your skin to ultraviolet light. A light therapy treatment is performed with a prescription and under the supervision of our dermatologists. Phototherapy differs from sun exposure or tanning beds by delivering one specific UV component at monitored doses by our specially trained staff. During a light therapy treatment you’re exposed to specific UV rays that are proven to treat chronic skin conditions, like psoriasis.
Skin Biopsy
Our physicians and physician assistants commonly perform skin biopsies. This simple procedure involves numbing the skin and taking a small sample of the top layers of the skin (shave biopsy) or a small plug of skin followed by placement of a suture (punch biopsy). This enables the pathologist to examine the skin and give the providers valuable information regarding skin cancers, rashes, etc. This often helps guide treatment recommendations.
Skin Cancer Treatment
Our office houses four surgical suites and professionals who offer skin cancer treatments in-house. Our treatments include surgical excisions, cryosurgery, photodynamic therapy, prescriptions, electrodessication and curretage, and more. Sometimes it is necessary for patients to be referred to a plastic surgeon or a Mohs surgeon for treatment of their skin cancers.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a treatment which removes precancerous, and sometimes cancerous, skin lesions using blue light. A medicine is applied to your skin, and is allowed to absorb for a period of time while you wait in the office. We then expose the skin to a special light which destroys the precancerous or cancerous portions of the skin.
Facial Peels for Actinic Keratoses (pre-cancers of the skin)
Chemical peels are a method of treating actinic keratoses (precancers on the skin), as they remove that rough layer of skin to reveal a fresh new layer. The main side effects are redness and swelling but they are temporary.